Wednesday, September 15, 2010

His Name Is Robert Paulson

In Rollingstone's list of the top albums of all time 3 out of the top 5 are Beatles albums. Number 5 being "Rubber Soul," number 3 "Revolver," and finally the number 1 album of all time, "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club band."

Does anyone else find that to be completely ridiculous and mildly insulting?

Now before you start gathering your pitch forks and the proper utensils needed to burn me at the stake, just hear me out! I have a great deal of respect for the Beatles as artists, as musicians, as revolutionaries and as individuals but to pretty much say to the average person, "hey if you own 5 records you better make damn sure 3 of them were made by the Beatles" is ludicrous. In my opinion, I think people tend to just believe they have to love the Beatles because they were so ground breaking at the time and because they generally think its the cool thing to do and the opinion you have to have if you want to seem 'hip'.
You know, the same type of belief that makes every idiot that wants to talk about movies between the ages of 15 and 27 say, "'Fightclub' and 'Donnie Darko' are the best movies ever made!"
I'm certainly not saying every Beatles fan out there is just a mind warped jerk on a never ending quest to seem cool but how else do you explain the apparent favoritism the Beatles receive in almost every count down or list of greatest musicians, artist or albums of all time?

The Beatles were amazing at what they did and undoubtedly pioneers of rock and roll music and just music in general but were they any more ground breaking then say, Led Zeppelin? In my humble opinion, no. And on Rollingstone's same list Led Zeppelin isn't even in the top 10, they barely crack the top 30, coming in at number 29. While other extremely note worthy artists such as Nirvana, Johnny Cash, The Who, Michael Jackson or Pink Floyd are also nowhere to be found even in the top 15! But guess what did happen to be in the top 15....2 more Beatles albums, "Abby Road" and "The White album."

Listen, I think John, Paul, Ringo and George were pretty rad dudes too but how high of a pedestal are we going to put them on?


  1. I agree. I love the Beatles.I mean, blogged about them on this very site. I own all of their albums and even some bootleg stuff. But, to disregard all of the people you mentioned and more, is ridiculous. Out of curiosity, whats your island top 5?

  2. My top 5 goes through changes every so often. My top now isn't the same as it was in high school and I'm sure in a few years, or maybe even months it will change again. right now, rough draft I'd have to say: the wonder years "the upsides", the avett brothers "emotionalism", mewithoutYou "a-b life", new found glory "coming home", nirvana "unplugged in new york". Those albums pretty much sum up the past like year and a half of my life.

    what would be your currant top 5?

  3. Same here. If someone asked me why I don't think the Beatles are just out-of-this-world awesome . . . Let me put it this way. Remember that 'Family Guy' episode where they're talking about The Godfather and how untouchable and amazing it is (and it is, by the way)? Peter doesn't like it. When everyone asks why, and they're just so confused that anyone wouldn't like it, Peter just says: "It insists upon itself." I felt that way with The Beatles. And it's not their fault. I respect it, like a Picasso painting or something. I just have no idea how to fully appreciate it or even the desire to find out how.

    Top 5 (for now!) . . .

    1. 'Only by the Night' (Kings of Leon) is great: every song.
    2. Can't get enough of Moby right now either. Don't own an album: it's a 'best of' CD. Great, though.
    3. Popped Takk ('Thanks' in Icelandic) back in! Transcendent! Especially Glosoli and Saeglopur. But I listen to it 'uninterrupted' with no problem. Just sublime.
    4. The Blue Album (Weezer). 'Nough said.
    5. Third Eye Blind's debut is great.

    That's the status for now.
