Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Seriously, am I the only one?

I don't know what everyone else does with their time, but I have been steady reading and following plenty of news sites, blogs, twitter, and the occasional smoke signal and I am coming to one, unabashed conclusion:

The world is dying.

Not a slow death that all of our 4th grade social studies teachers told us about, but a surprising, quick, drunk driver kind of death. (I noticed this a few weeks ago and wrote a personal reflection.) You don't believe me? Let me provide you with a little web based list:

Hey Girl, what's your sign?

Seriously, something is wrong.

I'll be the first one to admit that conspiracy theories are crazy. No, the Bible didn't predict Kennedy's Assassination and the government probably did not plan 9/11. (However, I'm not convinced that there is not a vast right wing conspiracy)

Anyway, call me Mattstrodamus (I do have a gypsy heritage), but maybe there is some validity to all this mayan calendar stuff. Here is my prediction; something, somewhere is going to happen in the near or distant future that will be a big deal from that point forth.

You heard it hear first ladies and gentlemen, The Heretical Review called it.

Am I the only one? This is weird right?

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