Saturday, February 13, 2010

All's Well that Begins Well

Matthew Johnson

Blogs are an interesting phenomena. Anyone and everyone can start one for about anything they want. Jokes, television shows, philosophy, socks and religion are scratching the surface for the possible topics to be found in the “blogosphere”. The World Wide Web has allowed for greater discussion to take place. The exchange of ideas and recipes are given equal footing.

Also, the World Wide Web has pretty much made “keeping up” with someone non-negotiable. Between Facebook, Skype and Email and a myriad of other networking tools a relationship dies only from lack of attention. This is our attempt to accomplish two goals. To keep up with each other as well as discuss something that we have done for years.

Matt Damore and Matthew Johnson have spent countless hours sitting in a Barnes and Noble discussing anything from movies, books, music and sports (sports the least of the three). We have been instrumental in helping each other develop our tastes in each area. But, now life is getting in the way of this continued dialogue. One lives on the west coast and the other is off to participate in the defense in this great nation of ours. So this our attempt at punching life in the face and saying, “We will not go down so easily”

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