Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Good Vibrations

Dictionary.com defines culture as;

the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc

Because of the nature of this blog pertaining to culture I feel it is necessary to have definition to work off of.

I want to focus your attention to "that arises from a concern". I almost died today. This week is my finals week and has not only kept from communicating with you loyal followers of The Heretical Review, but also it has kept me from my sweet, sweet, bed. Sleep is something that I miss dearly, like the touch from a former lover or a piece of cake for a woman on a diet, I need it, I crave it, I'm pining. I rarely pine, I'm not proud but, never the less, It's happening.

This morning at 4 a.m. an earthquake, a whopping 4.0 on the richter scale, hit sunny Los Angeles. A friend here at Fuller said she always wondered what her response would be under these auspicious circumstances. Fight? Flight? It is a question that can only be answered when you are under the gun.

Apparently my response is sleeping. Also, it is appropriate to know that I did not realize that we even had a earthquake until, Sam my roommate, mentioned it casually. He said, "Yea, it woke me up, I thought about waking you up but then I fell back asleep." It's good to know that we are people you can depend on. And by depend, I mean just assume I am dead in a major natural disaster, it will save you time and energy in the rescue process. And If I am able to find you in the end, the surprise will be all the more special.

I think this is an appropriate time to turn the corner and discuss some films; I cannot remember a movie with the plot line that deals specifically with earthquakes. I can think of plenty of movies that have earthquakes in them. I can also think of films with the earth opening up and swallowing up people and cities. But, no earthquake films. Outside of the 1974 film called "Earthquake". This is a little explored natural disaster.

I, want to take this time now to implore Steven Speilberg, George Lucas or Michael Bay to take on the challenge. There is a whole world of heartache and man overcoming the odds to be explored here.

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