Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lost interest in "Lost"

I have been an avid viewer of the show Lost for quite sometime. I remember being introduced to the show after its first season was on DVD and watching it through and catching up to the rest of the world in what felt like one very confusing hour. With the rest of the world, I wondered what was going on.

Are they in purgatory? Is this a figment of their imagination? What happened to the kids kidnapped? And, "Is that what I think it is, a smoke monster as well as a polar bear? on an Island?"

This show drove me nuts.

In a good way. I was initially intrigued by its new style of storytelling. Showing through flashbacks, how each individual ended up on the island. Some involved in sketchy things, others it seemed coincidental. Either way the questions of morality intrigued me and each week brought me back pining for more.

I have always had a love/hate relationship with this show. After an episode I would make sweeping declarations of my "Breaking Up" with Lost. I did not care anymore, they weren't telling me anything. And if my past relationships with girls are any indication of my level of dedication, I'm surprised I had made it that far anyway.

Well, 6 years later, I'm still a loyal viewer. But, not without my regrets. I feel like a husband looking for an excuse to get out of a mediocre marriage with my only complaint being, its not like the first two years and the wife saying "Of course jackass, it never is, ask anybody."

So what am I left to do?

Here's my problem. I no longer care. The characters no longer interest me. The moral questions that at one time stared you in the face are no longer there. Instead, we are given a puzzle. A big white canvas of a puzzle with no discernible way of deciphering an answer. To many questions left unanswered and not enough time to answer.

I miss the moral ambiguities. The burning questions that live in the gray area.

Sayid: Torture or not to torture?
Jack: What is a good person?
Sawyer: Cynicism
Kate: Torn between 2 lovers.

I could go on. But the more I think about it, the more I am disappointed in the current trajectory of the show and miss the early seasons and the world of potential they held.

At this point I do not see how it can end in any kind of satisfying way, except that it would be over and I would have one more hour back in my life each week.

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